3nd Annual Florida Earthskills Gathering
We welcome you to celebrate conscious living with our living, breathing planet at Finca Mycol. For us two-leggeds to learn and grow as an ecologically aware community by sharing skills necessary for our enrichment and thrival by going back to the basics salvaging the concept of sustainability. Sustainability can only be done by living in symbiosis with our fragile earth. May this gathering inspire you to share this ecological paradigm with others. We hope that through experiential learning, tangible useful objects will be learned and made that provide food and shelter, clean air and water, and help heal the earth and ourselves in the process.
Enough with propaganda reality TV shows and mind numbing sports, seemingly never ending mind-washing media. Here we play our OWN music, our OWN games, our OWN dance, our OWN reality, and live our OWN lives! We grow our own food, we treat water and the life-scape as a precious resource, we honor life and respect all our relations! Let’s not be a “parasite” on our one earth, but a healing white blood cell!
Please note this is a private event and you should have signed in at registration. Please do your best to stay on paths to minimize trampling of plants including recently planted long leaf pine.
Camping: Should only be done on Finca Mycol property. You may clear cactus, blackberry, and catbrier from your camp areas. Do not cut any live trees without permission.
Garbage: Please pack in and pack out. Only naturally built structures may be left on site.
Fires: only at designated fire pit areas. Do not burn pine or treated wood. Don't bring wood from out of state.
Bathrooms: Humanure compost bucket toilets are set up at various marked locations. Please cover your feces with leaf compost or sawdust such that no flies can land. Please pee on trees… Thank you for your organic contributions!
Water: If you take water from the well, maintain water to the top of the barrel. Well water is live water. You may want to bring some of your own drinking water. No soaps or food washing at the pump. Dishwashing should utilize minimal water and soap. Plates should be licked clean before washing. We overloaded the greywater pond last in 2011 and had a fish kill due to a water nutrien overdose (aka eutrophication).
Children: Children under 5 should have legal guardian with them unless that are at classes. Please be aware of various hazards such as Cactus and random broken glass or rusty nails. Children should not be at adult classes unless with a guardian and/or acceptable to teacher.
Ancestore: Teachers and traders alike will have a place to sell their wares at Florida Earthskills Gathering:
The Ancestore will be available for crafts folk, artists and traders to showcase their wares for sale. The spacious wall tent will be open at certain hours for customers to look over the wares for sale. Please bring your high quality items to sell. 10% of the sales will go to the store. Please, no artifacts, protected or unprocessed regulated species parts, fire arms or alcohol (tinctures are ok). Examples of items to bring: Hand made soap, bee products, vintage or re-purposed clothing, braintan buckskin, jewelery, tools, books, music, and the like.
Pets: No DOGS or CATS (you may bring goats, sheep, ducks, chicken or handicap dogs if needed).
The Ancestore will be available for crafts folk, artists and traders to showcase their wares for sale. The spacious wall tent will be open at certain hours for customers to look over the wares for sale. Please bring your high quality items to sell. 10% of the sales will go to the store. Please, no artifacts, protected or unprocessed regulated species parts, fire arms or alcohol (tinctures are ok). Examples of items to bring: Hand made soap, bee products, vintage or re-purposed clothing, braintan buckskin, jewelery, tools, books, music, and the like.
Pets: No DOGS or CATS (you may bring goats, sheep, ducks, chicken or handicap dogs if needed).
Announcing bell will give a ring a few minutes before and a second ring at times listed below
Friday (Feb 1):
Breakfast (8ish)
Classes 9-12, 1-4
All ages capture the flag (4:30-6:30)
Trade circle (4:30-6:30)
Dinner circle at sunset
Main circle story telling/acoustic music (Doug Elliott MC)
Saturday (Feb 2)
Breakfast (8ish)
Classes 9-12, 1-4
Trade circle (4:30-6:30)
Dinner circle at sunset
Contra Dance (7-?) (should attend workshop prior to if no experience
Mead circle (7-?)
Sunday (Feb 3)
Breakfast (8ish)
Classes 9-12,1-4
Closing circle/announcements
Wed (Jan 15):
Volunteers/instructors welcome to set up camp.
Wed (Jan 30):
Participants welcome to set up camp.
Sunset potluck followed by open acoustic folk music circle.
Thursday (Jan 31):
Morning breakfast circle and announcements (8ish)
Finca Mycol orientation tour by Mycol (post breakfast)
Classes start 12-4
Dinner circle at sunset
Drum circle (to midnight)