Instructors and Work Trade

Follow the link for a preliminary list of attendees, instructors, and work traders -last year (2012).

If you have any comments, general questions or suggestions PLEASE POST A COMMENT BELOW.

Work Trade Positions are Completely Full for this year's event. If you have not already been accepted as a Work Trader, please plan on attending as a participant.  Thank you.

Note that tabs to the volunteer and instructor spreadsheets will appear at the bottom of your screen.

schedule spreadsheet


  1. Please add me to the google doc.

    -Bryan Konrad (
  2. How can I sign up for some kitchen shifts?
  3. I just added on facebook that I am attending and am really interested in helping out one way or another.
  4. Hi - I'd love to sign up for worktrade - could you add me to the Google Doc?
  5. Hi I would also like to worktrade. I am definitely available for setup and breakdown! Please add me to the list! Tori Cox (
  6. Hey Mycol,
    I realize now that I don't have your email, but I would like to teach a chi gung/taichi pushands class and a archery class as well. would be best to do the chi gung in the morning perhaps fri? and archery on sat afternoon. I'm flexible about locations as we can do them wherever seems appropriate and safe;)
  7. Hey, kids! I'm super stoked about another awesome skills event! I've been talking to Willy about heading up poo crew again this year, and Wren and I have been talking to Mycol about arriving early for setup. So I'll make sure shitters are set-up and stocked, and keep an eye on them when no on else is able to. (I'll probably also offer another walkthrough of the humanure composting process at least once during the event.) I'll also jump in on some kitchen shifts whenever I feel called. Much love to all y'all rockin' the scene! Breathe in Peace.
    Chuck (
  8. I can't edit the Google doc - could you sign me up for setup please? Can't wait to see you guys!

    Aura (
  9. I couldn't edit the Google document either--Please add me to the breakdown/setup group! Also, I am looking for a rideshare down and back from Western NC area.

    David (
  10. I have updated the volunteer/teacher/participant list. If you don't like where I have put you, then please let me know. We had a good meeting with WIlly and SUsan Marynowski dec 23 and good things figured out...concurrently check the facebook page at times for other info and comments...much thanks..mycol
  11. Thanks for adding me to the spreadsheet Mycol! I have actually had a conflict come up towards the end of the event and was wondering if you could move me from breakdown to setup?


    Tori Cox
  12. I am interested in worktrade! Working with the children! Amanda Phelan
  13. Greetings!
    I am interested in being an instructor. I can teach several different topics or cover a subject you wish to be taught. Please contact me so we can work out the details.

  14. I am interested in teaching the art of blacksmithing. I plan to arrive Wednesday evening, and set up Thursday, and then teach Fry. Sat. Sun. AM classes. I will bring everything I will need, however if we can use your equipment we can accommodate more students.
  15. Hellooo,
    Please add me to the doc so I can post/edit my classes. Looking forward to it!!
  16. I am likely to be teaching the art/science of miso making. And natural building with earth. -Liat
  17. Hey Folks,

    I'm excited to see the familiar and unfamiliar faces from other gatherings through this year. I'm wondering if anyone is staying for breakdown of the event and is driving back to the WNC area. I have a ride to the gathering, but I think he's planning on staying down that way for a bit.

  18. Kate and Gus will lead an herbal workshop for young people 5 yrs and up. If a parent wants to come and support their younger children or a whole family, that is okay. 15 students cap.

    They will also lead a workshop for pre-teen and women called--Becoming Woman. This would be about the responsiblity that arrives with our womanhood and extends through our lifetimes. Kate has been doing research through a fellowship and personal study of the life cycle of traditional Mvskoke women.
  19. Dean, Liat and Kate, I updated your times in the instructor spreadsheet.

    Fuz, take a look at the instructor spread sheet and let me know what and where you'd like to skill share...didges n drums and maybe another side bird venture? I am planning on a THursday evening drum circle so maybe you can facilitate this too...get back to me on this.
  20. You can try to post ride share on here and there have been some rideshare comms on the FB page too. We also have a board up that people can post for rides post the event.
  21. Hello. My name is Jacqueline McClure. I would love to work-trade. Please add me to 4-8pm kitchen shifts; as my first choice; but I am open and flexible to be placed where ever needed. Thank you.

    I can also provide ride share from the Charlotte NC area.
  22. Hi! this is Katelyn, we met at the hostel in the forest and at firefly. i would like to worktrade! i am open to working in the kitchen, registration and/or the poopers with chuck. i would be happy to help with set up. i am also open to teaching yoga classes if that is an interest.
    Thank you!
  23. hi my name is alexis. we met very briefly last year when i came out to help set up, though i could not stay for the event. i would like to worktrade this year! i can provide a helping hand with kitchen work, construction, childcare, and any kind of general labor. i am available to work before and/or after the event, as well as during it. please let me know!
  24. This comment has been removed by the author.
  25. Hi,
    My name is Mari. I'm posting for myself and my partner Avi. We are interested in coming and doing worktrade during the gathering. I (Mari) am interested in working registration or parking on the first, either in the 12-4 or4-8 slot, and am up for morning kitchen crew any day the 2nd-5th. Avi is interested in working registration on the 1st, either in the 12-4 or 4-8 slot, tending fire on the 3rd from 4-8, and working a morning kitchen shift, any day 2nd-5th. We are also flexible and will go where needed. We're excited to come to Finca Mycol and meet new folks!
  26. for clarity, i intend to be there early and help with set up, so as far as official hours that is my preference. thank you!
  27. Hey Mycol,

    It's Becky Beyer, I don't know if you remember me but we battled in primal combat together at Firefly and talked baout land in NC.

    I'd love to volunteer for kitchen duty anytime. Can't wait to see you.

  28. Hello Mycol!
    So I messaged you on facebook previously, but I just wanted to let you know on this blog so things don't get all confusing for ya! Alright, so Eric, Sarasaurus and I are all excited about being on work-trade and we will be there a week+ before gathering to help out with prep work. We will give you a call soon!

    Also, Eric and Sarasaurus want to teach about plants with the other guru's!

    Casey Moore
  29. ok so I believe I have updated volunteer shifts. Once they are closed that's it so write in soon. Becky, Avi, Mars, Jason Wagner, CHelsea Kamm, Maria Rose Sikyea,Jacqueline McClure, Katelyn of hostelnforest, and Alexis are put in on shifts. HOpefully these are good for you, if not write back soon. VOlunteer shifts for setup and breakdown are filled but instructors and vols may come as early as a week ahead of time and post time if you like.
  30. Hello,
    Me and my two friends want to do worktrade exchange helping out in the kitchen. We'd like to work together so if we could all do Feb 1st 4-8, Feb 3rd 12-4, and Feb 4th 4-8 which seem to be open for 3 according to the current list that would be great. We are Tommy, Brenden, and Willow. Let me know if you have questions or need more info.
  31. Open Arms ~ Dear Mycol, would love to be able to do work trade prior to the gathering(come down earlier & help with set up) & stay longer for clean up or general help on the land ~ Realize your slots seem to be full, but if needed ~I'd love to take part... FIRE? as in Fire WO~MAN... I'd love to give energy within the burning~ Any slots for becoming one with the flames! Also being your shadow or anyone elses would be a delight.... Children activities would also be a wondrous experience & am open to doing anything else or fitting in any more slots that need be filling. much love & gratitude to you sweet brother of light <3 ~ maria rose~
  32. ((JUST now saw your post, since i left the page open for a while cause i hadda go do something & only now posted))) ~ thanks for filling me i in a slot... if poss i'd love to take part of FIRE....8-midnight sounds wonderful &am open to doing it both evenings. & anything else i mentioned above would be wonderful... either way is wondrous & thanked upon! much love to you see being
  33. I'm trying to sign up for kitchen shifts and childrens activities but for whatever reason it isn't working?
    I'd like to do the kitchen: 12-4 feb 2nd shift, 8-12 feb 3/ and then the 12-4 for childrens activities
  34. Still anyroom for workshare volunteer? If so I would love to bust my hump to learn volumes. Sign me up if possible. or (813)766-9330.
  35. I'm interested in work share if there is any additional need. Contact me on here?
  36. Hi, I'm a friend and roommate of Ellen's and I wanted to sign up to help her on the kitchen crew. Looking forward to helping out and learning some new skills. My email is if you need to contact me further. Thanks.

  37. Very interested in doing work/share alongside my partner, Sarah. We both have vegetarian/vegan cooking experience and have cooked for large amounts of people (her at a permaculture course in california, myself at dandelion cafe in orlando). i also am a photographer and filmer. if anything needs to be documented, i would love to (and will probably do so anyway). 561 317 7032.
  38. Hi! I got information about the gathering from ellen and am so excited! I will be hitching from the west coast and hope to arrive on the 2nd. I want to volunteer for workshare ,but cant edit google doc. I tried to sign up for parking shifts (as that seemed most needed). I also have many years fnb experience to bring to kitchen. I am available to stay on after the gathering and help breakdown/cleanup. Please contact me with any questions. Thanks. Cant wait! Ahme Todd 619 534 2891
  39. Mycol

    Tried to enter classes into the google docs spreadsheet to no avail!

    Thinking to offer a mead making discussion, making and tasting on Friday 2-4 at the communal kitchen and a Plant Walk 9-12 Thursday

    Let me know if there is something i can do to enter the data for you.

    So excited! Cheers, marc
  40. I want to be added to the google doc, my girlfriend will too.
  41. Tried to add myself (Mari, not Mars) and Avi for another volunteer shift, but was unable. So far we are only listed for two shifts.... Please let us know if we can be scheduled for more or if we should plan on a partial work-trade, partial pay for the event.
    Also, we can bring some organic veggies and ferments if y'all want.
  42. This comment has been removed by the author.
  43. Hey Mycol,

    I would like to volunteer for parking and/or registration, or anything else that may be needed. Looking forward to coming this year!

    -Erich Kopp
  44. Hello, I have a few people including myself that would like to sign up to volunteer. Please let me know what we need to do. Thanks so much and look forward to coming.

    Todd M.
  45. This is Chris/Hanqiu, helping Mycol organize. So far the following people have posted comments, but have not been added to the list. Get in touch, and we'll see what we can do for you. In some cases you might have already contacted mycol, or gotten listed under a different name.
    The people:
    Ahme Todd
    Amanda Phelan
    Bryan Konrad
    Chuck Thomson
    Kori Crowell
    Nathan Greens
    Ralph (I hate wet socks)
    Sarah (I hate wet socks)
    Raymond Schneck
    Todd M
    Thanks again, and sorry for the inconvenience.
  46. Hello, I was unable to add myself to the volunteer list. I interested in worktrade. I can help with childrens activities, and caring for animals. I am open to helping wherever the help is needed.. also I am available to stay after the gathering and help cleanup. Thank you so much!

    Oceans of Love, Ecko
  47. Greetings. I and two others would like to offer work trade for the gathering. We can all help with cooking and meal prep/ clean up, registration ect... I am a clinical herbalists and would like to bring herbal first aid supplies for the event and offer my services. We can stay later for clean up. My name is Chelsea Gomes and Liz and Elan are my co-travelers. Thank you!!!
  48. Can you add me to the Google doc so we can sign up for volunteer slots? Thanks and love!
  49. Hey Michael,
    Can you please add Deborah on the volunteer list for Sign Up on Saturday morning. Thanks!
  50. Hey, this Kay Walsen and Andy Onion and we'd like to sign up for worktrade. The shifts we'd like are:

    Kay: 2/2 Childrens activities 8-12pm, 2/4 Kitchen 8-12pm, 2/5 Kitchen 8-12pm

    Andy Onion: 2/2 Childrens activities 12-4pm, 2/3 12-4 parking, 2/5 Kitchen 8-12pm

    It would be rad if y'all could contact us via e-mail to confirm!

    Kay -
    Andy -
  51. Hi, I would like to sign up for worktrade for any shift(s) you have available. I can cook, set up and break down, chop wood, carry gear, assist with construction, or anything else. My friends and I would love to share some music with you all as well.
    Please let me know if you have a space for me!
    Thanks so much,
  52. I should have almost everyone now on the volunteer list that has asked. there are only a few slots remaining. If you didn't get what you asked for, its probably bc the slot was taken and i did my best to shift.
    Note Ellen noted that the hours for kitchen needed to be earlier to serve breakfast...a dam good point! so kitchen hours are shifted to start the early bird at 6:30. If one has a problem with this, let me know.
    There was a note at the meeting we had last week for instructors to take special notes on knife saftely and kitchen peeps to specifically use sanitation.
    We will set up a dish washing station rainbow style but this is contentious.

    Oliver and Ryan (awesome local permaculturists will be doing a food forest establishment in a difficult blackberry area so this is quite exciting for the finca to have their help and guidance on this.

    is anyone excited yet?
  53. I'd like to sign up for work trade if possible to do any tasks that need be done. I can show up any time and stay late as well. I'll repost this on Facebook to make sure that you get it soon. Sorry for the late response. Hope to be able to make it.



    1. I'd like to sign up for work trade to do kitchen work and also first aid shifts and be on call. I've got EMT training and herbal skills. I'll be coming with Andy Onion and Kay Walsen.

      Chris Crux
    2. Hi mycol,
      If there are still work trade slots available i'd be happy to be added. I attended the event last year and helped in the kitchen and with firewood, and i am glad to fill any needed positions. I am especially experienced in kitchen matters and cooking for large groups. Thanks.
    3. Hi. My name is Ricky Fentanes. I'd like to do worktrade if there are any slots left. I am open to any worktrade positions at all.

  54. Dang! I've just been writing my name on the FB wall - didn't realize this was the place to volunteer! I can help out in any way. I've done work/trade at other events, such as with the Sacred Fire Foundation. I can also stay and help with clean-up, too. Or whatever. Thanks! Hope to hear from you!

    Also, will be coming from southern FL and have room for one person to rideshare!
  55. Hi!
    I tried to leave a message before but I believe it has disappeared into the great abyss.....

    I would like to worktrade for the gathering. I'm planning to come with some folks a few days before the gathering to help out in any way that needs helping.

    Lindsey Warf
  56. I've left mssages all over the place - on FB, on here, sending Mycol a note - I would love to volunteer and help out (and its really the only way I can attend because I don't have much money). But, if I don't hear back, I'm not sure I should just show up...

    Anyone out there?
  57. This comment has been removed by the author.
  58. So much talent, so little time! Thanks everyone, especially Mycol ! We can't wait!


    I was looking at the class schedule and I noticed that you had Tony teaching shiitakulation,instead of me. Not sure why cause he never said he would do this (though I might be able to sweet talk him into helping out!) If there is some reason you don't want me doing this that's fine, I will loan my equipment and bring the logs drilled, and loan one of my rocket stoves for wax melting - just let me know!

    Also, I can demonstrate bud grafting (inverted T) but Oliver is the one to do any other kind of grafting (budgrafts may take more time to fruit, but allow you to put more than one variety on one tree!) I will bring several varieties of budwood.

    And I was wondering if it is allowed to cook with rocket stoves (closely monitored of course) near our campsite? I will bring a few of my latest rocket stove creations, my tinsnips in case they would be useful in the rocket stove building class.

    Finally - I have 3 frozen, unscraped, deerhides I would love to bring, one with the head (brains intact). They would need to be scraped, and tanned quick, and since they are roadkill, they are marginal in shape, size and quality. If they could be used that would be great! If not I wont bring them, because they will start to stink fast! let me know quick, we are coming on Weds or very early Thurs morning (It might rain Weds night).

    Let me know!
  59. I plan on ridding my bike from Gainesville Friday morning and staying till Sunday, and can pay but would love to do some work trade if possible. Feel free to email, call or text. , 352-258-3368.


    1. I am seeing that the Feb 3 fire shift is open. I can do that.
  60. Hey! Awesome that I can volunteer and I'm looking forward to it!

    But, I looked on the spreadsheet and I think I'm listed twice: MikeyLife & Michael Friedman. So it looks like I'm signed up for 5 shifts. A little clarification would be great, so I know where and when to be there. Thanks again! See you this week!


    1. hey. my name is dana modesto. im very interested in doing worktrade for the event. i would potentionally be coming with andy onion. i am willing to do whatever worktrade positions are still available. please plug me into any currently open positions.thank you.
  61. Hey! I'm looking forward to go to the event. Me and my friend want to volunteer. We will be arriving on saturday, and leaving on sunday.. We can help with everything, kitchen always need a lot of help, so we can do that.. We hope that we still are in time for volunteering.
    Thanks to all of you,
    cheers,bruno and adriana
  62. If theres any volunteer spots left i would love to participate! Excellent kitchen skills but will do whatever is needed to pitch in. Namaste!
  63. We are very interested in attending the 2013 Gathering. We may also be interested in volunteering as we learn more. Please include us in any lists and notices especially the exact dates, thank you.
    Jason and Jennifer Helvenston
    Orlando, FL
  64. Hello,
    I am also very interested in attending and volunteering the 2013 Gathering. Please include me in email lists or updates. Thanks!

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  1. Do you have area to put up a 15' tipi to camp in?

  2. Is it too late to apply for work trade? I would love to help out!!
    Peace <3

  3. Hi! I know it's a couple days late, but i am interested in doing work trade as well as my friend Angela. Please let me know if we can! Thanks ! -Elliott

  4. Oh yeah, our email addresses are: and - thanks!

  5. hi, i know this is late but i'm an archery instructor for a school in portland, or and my wife and i will be making our way down to experience this. I also make bows, arrows, arrow heads. if i could be of any help i would love to. -joe
